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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Test Shoot 2: Grovelands Park

Now we have changed our song and idea this test shoot was for the song 'Eyes on Fire'.


Sparkly dress

Black glove



I think this test went very well, especially in comparison to our last one! We found a spot in the woodlands part of the park that Mia and Selina had earlier come across. We set up there and began filming shots of the main girl played by Mia walking through the trees in character. The shots were mainly handheld.

Problems/Lessons Learnt

Having looked back at the footage, I think the lighting may have been an issue. Although we had enough lighting as we used paglights, the lighting from them makes the shot look unnatural. I think natural lighting looks better and so we will probably have to shoot earlier in the day. We also need more still shots to have a combination of handheld and still camera work in the video.

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