Music Video

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Idea Development

We have developed our idea quite a bit from the original idea we had. After having talked to Ms Blackborow we developed our idea even further.

We are going to use three locations: the tunnel in New Southgate, Grovelands park and Trent Park where there are thinner trees. We have decided not to use another plainer location like the black room we initially wanted.

We are currently trying to resolve the issue of the length of the song. The song is over 5 minutes long but we must cut it to at least 3 mins 30 secs. We were originally going to cut it and after Mia and Selina tried doing this they found it was still too long as it is still over 4 mins.

The very first shot will be a few bright lights in darkness perhaps out of focus. We have decided to have the main girl, played by Mia, initially be asleep but stirring in the tunnel and then in the forest where she will wake up. At this point she is entering the forest through another tunnel we found in the forest part of Grovelands park. She will then unknowingly be led by the main masked figure through the forest. In between we cross-cut to shots of Matt fire juggling. We will also cross-cut to Mia back in the tunnel, using a ECU shot of Mia's eyes closing before going to the tunnel shot. Mia will only lip-synch when in the tunnel.

Miss suggested that we should perhaps focus on reflections throughout the video. She suggested that in the tunnel there might be unusual things that wouldn't normally be there like a mirror or perhaps the shattered pieces of a mirror. She also said that perhaps at the beginning Mia should be looking at her body as this would tie in with the idea of self-discovery. There should also be a lot of focus on skin at the beginning with plenty of CU shots.

Near the end of the video we will cut to shots of Mia standing by a lake with shots of her reflection in the water. We have decided that at the end of the video we will have shots of both the main girl (Mia) and the lead masked figure (Selina) graadually getting closer to each other whilst mirroring each others actions. Finally their hands will touch and at this point we will add the effects of sparks when they touch. After this point we will use graphic matching where their actions match each others so that it appears as if they are the same person. The final shot will be of Mia, having dropped the mask, walking away with the camera on the floor and tilted to one side so the shot is a long angle.

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